Jumat, 30 Mei 2014


I am a sixth semester student at the Gunadarma University. In this Gunadarma Universities,  all students sixth semester in the compulsory to make a scientific writing. A writing in accordance with their respective majors students. And in the sixth semester I was being make of the scientific writing.

Lecture was starting to feel solid after entering the sixth semester. Beginning-the beginning of the semester is still so relaxed but gradually everything becomes noticeably solid. Starting deadline from the tasks coming from lecturers and manufacture of scientific writing.

When a lecture is pretty solid with urgent tasks, I must focus on my duties are. I had to reduce the playing time and the streets that normally I often do. Sometimes there was a time I was bored and annoyed why should like this, every day is always and always with urgent tasks.

I was quite take my time to go to the library and bookstores to find references for scientific writing that I will make. Usually I go to the library with my friends or with someone. At the university library, I find references like a journals that I can use in scientific writing. In addition I also saw examples of scientific writing for seniors. The books contained in the library are usually not always updated with new books like a in the bookstore. I was also visiting the bookstore to see the new books.

This is my photo when it was in one of the bookstores in Depok. Originally I was planning to go on a trip to watching movie but I intend to go to the bookstore. After watching and lunch, I went to the bookstore to find the latest books, relating to my scientific writing. There's a lot of books that can be used as a reference. Not only do the books I was looking for are there. But there are also textbooks, novels, comics and much more.

No harm is not, visiting places that can increase knowledge and find the reference to us. Like the proverb of drinking water while diving, that's what I did while refreshing of the density of my class schedule also get a reference to my scientific writing.

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